Saturday, September 15, 2007

Jake's first Soccer practice and game

Jake started Soccer at the YMCA this week. His first game was today. It was pretty cute and hilarous all at the same time. This is the first year for any of the kids in his age group to play soccer. Getting them to kick the ball the right way was quite difficult. Jake did good considering he has hardly ever kicked a soccer ball. Several kids on the other team just stood out there and cried the whole time!!! Guess we have to start somewhere! After the game I told Jake I couldn't wait for next week's game. He said, "I dont' want to play another game. Well I just want to be the Goalie. When I run I get all sweaty." Guess he is really my son!! He just wants to stand there and exert as little energy as possible!! I think he had fun. After the game the coach had the team sing "Happy Birthday" to him!
Madison will start after Jake's "season" is over in a couple of months. She has been looking forward to it for a long time. Hopefully she will learn a few things by watching Jake's practices. Hopefully she doesn't pay attention to what goes on in his games!!


Just some pictures of the kids playing on the playground. Jake was really scared climbing up but he did it! Madison is so proud of what she is learning to do...She has a new found confidence!


Last week Madison's school was in the Hilander Festival Parade. She was SOOOO excited to get to walk in a Parade. She is just loving school and she wants to participate in EVERYTHING. Her teacher, Mr R., was driving his classical car and the students were walking behind it. Scott walked with her while Jake and I watched but as they came by Jake wanted to join them!

Friday, September 7, 2007

First Week of School

Well, we have successfully completed the first week of school! Things have gone fairly well and I am enjoying getting back into a routine. Of course the routine will all have to change again in a few weeks when Scott goes back to nights. After 8 years you would think I would handle that better but it always throws me for a loop.

Jake is enjoying his class. He walks out of his class, doesn't even say Hi to me, just starts telling me what he did.

Madison is also enjoying school, I think more than she did last year. Last year she didn't complain about going but she never expressed really liking it. This year she has already told me several times how much she likes her class. She is making new friends and talking about them a lot. I love hearing that because last year she didn't really talk very much about "friends." She never really found anyone she connected with.

So, school life has begun! I've been tired this week but have been able to accomplish a lot. Jake and I are again enjoying our "just us" time. He just loves to snuggle and of course I could snuggle with him all day.

Our next big thing is Jake starting Soccer. His first practice will be sometime next week and his first game will be next Saturday. This should be interesting. I think he will enjoy it though. Madison will start playing sometime next month I think.

I will try to update more. Our life just isn't that exciting...

Monday, August 20, 2007

Bison, Caribou, and Elk oh my!

We did go to Northwest Trek on Saturday and we had a great time. We got to see quite a few animals really close up on the Tram ride and the kids were quite impressed. Madison couldn't quite comprehend why they weren't just out walking around with us once we got off the Tram. It turned out to be a great day to go because it was overcast so the animals were active. On the way home we stopped and ate dinner on an old train that had been converted into resteraunts and a hotel. It was neat and the kids really enjoyed that as well.

Friday, August 17, 2007

First offical OB appt

Today I went for my first OB appointment. Things went well. Earlier in the week we had an ultrasound due to the fact that I was having some questionable symptoms. The ultrasound looked great. The baby measured a week bigger than what it should be according to my dates so Dr Aaron moved my official due date a week earlier. My due date is now March 8th and I am 11 weeks pregnant....Yeah first trimester almost under my belt! I have been having some cramping so today he checked everything out thoroughly and ended up saying that this is probably just how this pregnancy is going to be. He said not to lift and to rest as much as possible. Hmmm...resting I can do that! Madison overheard me telling Scott so when we got out of the van she grabbed my hand and said, "Mom no lifting...don't touch Jake." She is already very protective of the baby! They are both wanting to talk to it more and "hug" it more. Madison can't wait to feel it kick.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


So I am going to attempt to keep up a blog.... Don't know how I will do but I've always wanted to try. Mostly for myself because I certainly won't sit down and write in a journal. I'm just not sure enough interesting stuff happens in my life.... Guess we will see.